FOKOU Jacques Christian
FOKOU JACQUES Christian is 28 years old YAE from cohort 7. He is involved to sell white pepper. Before joining ...
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NDAME Richard
NGAME RICHARD is a young married man with two children. A beneficiary of the PEA-Jeunes and a member of cohort ...
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ETOGO Marie Ange
Marie Ange Etogo, 25 years old and mother of two, is a translator by training and a young beneficiary of ...
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Promoteur de l’entreprise PAGBA, marié et père de 3 enfants, EYOKE HANS II est un JEA issu de la cohorte ...
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Marié et père de 05 enfants, il se nomme KENNE TANE Serge, incubé de la cohorte 7 spécialisé dans la ...
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